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Friday, September 30, 2011

Automatically Delete Temporary Files In Windows 7

Are you getting tensed for deleting temporary files? You might be feeling hectic deleting temporary files manually at every time intervals. Moreover if you have laptop and you have very less hard disk space then you might be tensed about the temporary files. In this article I am going to write about the tips for deleting temporary files automatically.
Windows 7 comes with the Disk Clean-up Wizard like Windows vista and windows XP, but that utility only deletes your temporary files if they are more than a week old. But very few of us know that by applying simple trick, you can automate the process by creating a simple batch file and then making it run at start-up so that you never have to worry about manually freeing (deleting) up space from your Temp folder.
For that follow the below process:
• Open Notepad and then click on File >Save As.
• In the file name dialogue box, Type “tempclean.bat”
• Now change the entry in Save As Type dropdown box to “All files”.
• Then click on save.
• Then in your file, type the following:
cd C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local
Rmdir/S/Q Temp
• Save the file
• Now navigate to the folder where the file is saved.
• No right click on it and click on ‘Create Shortcut’.
• Place this shortcut in your ‘startup’ folder in your start Menu. (If you don’t know how to add to startup menu then see below of this post).
Voila! You are done. Now, every time you log in to Windows, the file will be executed automatically and your temporary files will be cleaned. This is very useful for notebooks and laptops with small hard-disk space.
In case you get an access error while the file is being executed, replace %username% with your windows login username.
This trick works as self defense antivirus which will delete your temporary files automatically on every startup of your computer.

How to add shortcut to start up menu
• Click on start button
• Now click on all programs.
• Now right click the startup and open in new windows.
• Now drag the shortcut of any file or application to this folder.
• That’s all you are done. Now whenever your computer start the file will be automatically executed.

Hope this trick helps you. Queries and comments are most welcome!

1 comment:

  1. I'm using AVG anti-virus for many years now, and I would recommend this solution to all you.
